Showing posts with label Savannah River. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Savannah River. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bringing the Dead Gray "Ghost Boat" Back to Life

This is my very first post, and I never even planned on really starting a blog on here.  But I guess it's time to get WITH the times, huh?  Well, my website is RC's Master Troubleshooting - Auto, Truck, Marine Watercraft and Motorcycle MechanicRC's Master Troubleshooting for short.  I am a Master Mechanic and work on ALL vehicles doing repair work, pretty much, including automobile repairs, foreign and domestic, truck repairs, including SUV's and diesels, all marine watercraft including houseboat repairs, jetski repair, boat repair and motorcycle repair, specializing in Harley-Davidson.  I am a Harley-lover big time.  I currently live in Augusta, Georgia on a houseboat and will be updating this probably once a week or so.

Here are two photos of the gray shrimp boat, or tug boat,  that has also been named the Ghost Boat because it was given up for dead years and years ago.  It has sat at the Augusta Riverfront Marina for may years, perhaps 20 or more years, or in the Augusta, Georgia area, and it has had many mechanics working on it.  I, Henry "RC" Bethune, have brought it back to life, so to speak, and it has quite the interesting site, especially considering how it was sunk at least twice.

rcsmastertroubleshooting, mechanic, boat mechanic, rc, rc bethune, maurice bethune
Coming up Through the Bottom of the Shrimp Boat
also known as the Ghost Boat or Ghost Shrimp Boat
because it has been sunk at least twice and was given
up as dead!

rcsmastertroubleshooting, gray ghost, shrimp boat, augusta, marina, augusta, riverfront marina
Shrimp boat frontal view